Glass Block Windows in St. Louis – Successful Installation and Wall

Designing and installing a glass block window in your kitchen, basement and bathroom are not as easy as putting together the Lego blocks. Most of the customer thinks it is. But, if you are going to consider the shapes, sizes, installations and fabrication techniques, you would say that this unique glass product must only be installed and produced by the professionals. Today, such glass wall product is being used increasingly in every home and even in commercial buildings. If you want to ensure that your glass block window will create cool, easy and stylish wall, follow these steps.

Where to find glass block bathroom windows in St. Louis?

Determine where do you want to use your glass block  bathroom windows, wall or bar. Keep in mind that this specialized glass structure can be used on the inside or exterior or your home or to the structure of your home or building. Most common uses are partition from the office or bathroom, walls, bars, and kitchen. It is also effective for recreation rooms like spa and other places like resorts and coffee shops. When it comes to designing and identifying the materials needed, the size, shape and design of the wall are critical.

Glass Block Bathroom Windows in Size and Shapes

Keep in mind that the glass block bars are built 40” high with 5 courses of 8” block stacked on the top of each block. You should be aware that the counter top is installed after the block work is done. In order for you to get extra durability and coolness, it is highly recommended that the design of your block will be an L-shaped. The bars, on the other hand, should be anchored into the wall in order to make sure that the glass block is strong and stable. Watch this video to know about glass block bathroom windows in St. Louis MO.

Blocks in Glass Block Windows

Blocks are designed and can be built virtually regardless of the size. But, the maximum dimension of each wall panel will differ depending on the thickness of the block you prefer. If the wall will be on the exterior side of the home, your block wall is achievable without the needing of steel or aluminum support.


Yes, a floor is another important issue that you must also consider. What type of floor or base will the block wall be placed? What are the smallest parts of the width of the base of the block wall? These questions are relevant since most blocks weigh is about 12 pounds per square foot. Placing the block wall on a soft or fragile surface can affect the durability.

Masonry and Glass System Inc.

Whether you are interested in glass block replacement windows or bathrooms, partition or wall, you can’t go wrong with Masonry and Glass System Inc. Finding the right window or glass block installer seems to be difficult these days. You never know who the professionals are and who are the pretentious boys scouts in this line of business. But not with such company with good reputation and credibility, you are certain that every cent you spend is worth it. If you have decided or you know someone who is looking for replacement windows in St. Louis, the company guarantees customer satisfaction specialize in all types of glass block application.

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